We are excited to announce that CovaU Energy, one of the top-rated energy providers in Australia, has become a proud signatory to the Energy Charter’s Knock to Stay Connected Customer Code. It is a nationally consistent, customer-led approach program aimed at keeping customers connected to their energy. This partnership represents our unwavering commitment to both sustainable energy practices and fostering stronger connections with the communities we serve.
What is the “Knock to Stay Connected” Program?
The “Knock to Stay Connected” program is an initiative by the Energy Charter that focuses on ensuring customers remain connected to their energy supply. It promotes a customer-centric approach, where energy providers prioritise communication and engagement with customers before considering disconnection.
Why is CovaU Energy Joining the Program?
At Covau Energy, we understand that energy accessibility and affordability are crucial for individuals and businesses alike. That’s why we have joined forces with the Energy Charter’s groundbreaking initiative, which aims to ensure that vulnerable customers maintain essential energy services during challenging times.
By signing on to the “Knock to Stay Connected” program, Covau Energy pledges to go above and beyond in safeguarding our customers’ access to reliable energy. We recognise that circumstances can arise where individuals face temporary financial hardship, and we firmly believe that no one should be left without the vital energy services they rely on. Through this program, we aim to be proactive in assisting those in need and finding collaborative solutions to keep everyone connected.
How Does this Program Benefit Our Customers?
Covau Energy’s participation in this program signifies our strong commitment to social responsibility, community empowerment, and environmental sustainability. With our expanded partnership, we will actively work with local communities, stakeholders, and the Energy Charter to develop tailored support mechanisms for those facing energy-related challenges. Together, we will implement outreach initiatives, flexible payment options, and personalised assistance programs to ensure that every individual and family remains connected to the energy they require.
Covau Energy’s decision to join the Energy Charter’s “Knock to Stay Connected” program reinforces our dedication to making a positive impact beyond the traditional boundaries of the energy sector. By working collaboratively and embracing sustainable practices, we aim to create a world where access to essential services is never compromised, and communities thrive through a shared commitment to a brighter future.
CovaU Energy: The Top-Rated Energy Provider in Australia
CovaU Energy has established itself as one of the top-rated energy providers in Australia. With a focus on customer satisfaction, we offer competitive rates, rewards programs, and excellent 24/7 customer service. Switching to CovaU Energy is a seamless process, and we provide competitive electricity and gas plans for both residential and business customers. Our decision to become a signatory to the Energy Charter’s “Knock to Stay Connected” program is a testament to our commitment to customer satisfaction and ensuring that customers stay connected to their energy supply.
Join us as we embark on this transformative journey, combining sustainable energy solutions with unwavering connectivity for all. Together, we will power a more inclusive, resilient, and prosperous tomorrow. Call 1300 111 688 to talk to our energy specialists or request a quote for our electricity and gas plans in your area.