As the southern hemisphere tilts away from the sun, Australia welcomes the winter season with a unique blend of mild chill and sunny days. The 2024 winter in Australia is forecasted to be one of the warmest on record for the continent, with temperatures expected to be 1-2 degrees Celsius above average. The unusual warmth is attributed to the ongoing high sea surface temperatures globally, which in turn warm the air above. Despite the milder temperatures, energy conservation remains a crucial practice for both environmental and economic reasons.


Energy saving during winter can be both simple and impactful. Starting with the basics, here are some tips to keep your winter warmer while saving energy:

Layer up with warm clothing to reduce the need to crank up the heating. By layering up and using blankets, you can comfortably set your thermostat a few degrees lower, saving between 5% and 10% on energy use for each degree.

Make the most of natural sunlight for warmth and light during the day. It can help warm your home without any cost at all.

Seal the drafts and make sure you have proper insulation to prevent heat loss. This is essential for maintaining a warm and energy-efficient home. Draft stoppers, weather stripping, and insulation are cost-effective measures that can make a big difference. Being mindful of the spaces you heat by closing off unused rooms can further reduce energy consumption.

Only heat the rooms you’re using and set your thermostat between 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. Being mindful of the spaces you heat by closing off unused rooms can further reduce your energy consumption.

Some of your appliances are often the hidden culprits of high energy bills. Turning off appliances at the power point when not in use, using energy-efficient LED lighting, and opting for energy efficient heaters can lead to substantial savings.

Water heating is another significant energy user, so setting your water heater to a lower temperature and taking shorter showers can also contribute to lower energy bills.

Appliances that are on-standby still consume energy. Make sure to unplug or turn off appliances at the power point to avoid standby energy consumption.

Consider investing in solar panels to harness the power of the sun for your energy needs. While initial costs may be higher, the long-term savings and environmental benefits are considerable.

As we adapt to the changing climate and its impact on our seasons, being proactive in our energy use is more important than ever. The 2024 winter in Australia presents an opportunity for us to embrace energy-saving practices that not only reduce bills but also contribute to a more sustainable future.


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Sources: | Selectra | Energy Victoria | Cosmos Magazine | Bureau of Meteorology | Sheep Central