CovaU Energy


If you have a smart meter, you won’t need to submit a self-read to us, as we will receive your meter data automatically!

Terms & Conditions
*All photos must include an unobstructed view of the meter clearly displaying both the meter ID and electricity accumulation meters or gas meters read values. If the customer has an accumulation meter that has been estimated they may be entitled to an adjustment invoice. To be eligible for an adjustment invoice customers must provide their own meter reading as set out above prior to the due date for payment on the relevant estimated invoice. CovaU will not accept a customer read that: is lower than a previous actual read received by the market; does not clearly identify the meter ID and the reading value; photo and information received after the payment due date of estimated read invoice; does not have a date stamped or is date stamped with date later than the estimated read date; will not consider a customer eligible for an adjustment invoice if customer self-reads are received after payment due date of the estimated invoice; the consumption of electricity is recorded by an interval meter, being a meter that records consumption derived from interval metering data. CovaU will not accept any self meter read adjustments if this form fails to submit to the network.